Our exceptional email security defends against evolving threats such as phishing and malware. We provide complete protection for your personnel and data, offering valuable insights for rapid risk mitigation.

Prevent Email Fraud

Protect against BEC threats and supplier fraud
AI stops email threats! NexusAI blocks malware, phishing, & BEC scams. It verifies senders to prevent fraud, not block real emails.

Threat Protection

Detect and block advanced malware
Multi-layered email defense! We analyze content, sender reputation, and sandbox emails. We block malware, phishing, and ransomware - even if disguised in URLs or attachments.

Unmatched Visibility

Identify risky users
Find your most targeted people (VAPs)! See who's attacked & prioritize security measures for them based on real-time threat data.
Email Protection Targeted Attack Email Fraud Defence

Industry leading secure email gateway. Secure and control your inbound and outbound email. Use proprietary machine learning and multi-layered detection techniques to dynamically identify and block phishing and BEC threats.

Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) helps you stay ahead of attackers with an innovative approach that detects, analyses and blocks advanced threats before they reach your inbox. It provides visibility into your most attacked people, actionable insights, and forensic details of an attack.


Go beyond email authentication to provide you with visibility into supplier fraud. Streamline DMARC implementation with guided workflow and supported by dedicated consultants. Protect your organisation’s reputation comprehensively in email fraud attacks

Threat Response Auto Internal Mail Defence Email Continuity

Enable messaging and security administrators to analyse emails and move malicious or unwanted emails to quarantine, after delivery.

Extend email security to help detect compromised accounts with Internal Mail Defence. It can automatically scan all internal email traffic, providing a multi-layered approach to identify spam, malware or phishing attacks sent via compromised accounts. It removes these emails and provides reporting to show which accounts have been compromised.

Extend email security to help detect compromised accounts with Internal Mail Defence. It can automatically scan all internal email traffic, providing a multi-layered approach to identify spam, malware or phishing attacks sent via compromised accounts. It removes these emails and provides reporting to show which accounts have been compromised.

Network Team Email Protection

Protect your organisation from spam, malware, and non-malware threats with our multi-layered email security approach.